Details are in accordance with the German Telemedia Act


Operator and contact:

MVZ - HarderMehlDental GmbH

represented by:

Privatdozent Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder and
Privatdozent Dr. med. dent. Christian Mehl

Volkartstraße 5
80634 München

Telephone: +49 (0)89 - 57 15 44
Email: info(at)

Specific professional details:

Name of the profession: Dentists

Awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany

Authority responsible: Dentists’ Association of Bavaria

The following professional legislation applies: Professional Code of Practice released by the Dentists’ Association of Bavaria

You can view our Code of Practice here: (German only).

Regulatory body for the dental profession: Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt, Dachauer Straße 90, 80335 Munich, Germany

Responsible for content: Privatdozent Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder and Privatdozent Dr. med. dent. Christian Mehl

Responsibility for the content of this website

Greatest care has been taken when putting together the content of this website. However, we cannot be held liable in the event that information provided on our web pages is incorrect, incomplete or no longer up-to-date. In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Law we, the service provider, shall be responsible according to generally applicable legislation for the content of this website.

However, in accordance with Articles 8 to 10 of the German Telemedia Law, we shall not be obligated to monitor any and all third-party data transmitted or stored. Equally we shall not be obligated to investigate incidents which may point to illegal activity. This does not apply to any and all obligations regarding the deletion or blocking of data as imposed on us by generally applicable legislation. We can only be held liable, however, from the moment that we become aware that there may be a violation of the law. In the event that we should become aware of any and all such violations, we shall remove the content in question with immediate effect.

Liability for links

Our web presence contains links to third-party websites. We have no influence on the content of such websites. This is why we cannot be held liable for any such content. The provider or operator of external websites shall be responsible for any and all content on websites linked to. Websites linked to have been checked for potential violations of the law at the time of us linking to them. We were not aware of any content whatsoever being in contravention of the law at the time external websites were first linked to. Continuous checks of the content of websites linked to is not reasonable unless there is suspicion that any and/or all content of said website(s) may be in violation of the law.

In the event that we should become aware of any and all such violations, we shall remove the content in question with immediate effect.

Copyright pertaining to images/videos/drawings on this website:

Please refer to the section labelled “copyright owners” in the menu below for detailed information regarding the images displayed on this website. This is where copyright holders of all images/videos/drawings subject to copyright laws will be listed.

>>> Copyright owners for images


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